


  • 东莞市联祥鞋楦厂
  • 联系人:黄先生
  • 手机:18923163961
  • 电话:086-0769-83088915
  • 传真:086-0769-83088911
  • 邮箱:jackiehuang73@163.com
  • 地址:中国广东省东莞市厚街镇厚街村九园大道6号



东莞市联祥鞋楦厂创建于2005年,公司位于中国鞋都广东东莞市厚街镇,是一家专业从事鞋楦生产的规模企业。公司销售舒适标准鞋楦后身,有密鞋、凉鞋、靴鞋楦各整套,跟高从 5mm、10mm、15mm、20mm直到100mm,鞋企开发其它新款楦时只要依据对应的跟高后身变化头型即可使用,整套价格优惠。公司引进国际先进的电脑数控成套制楦设备以及专业3D鞋楦系统制作、并拥有一批资深鞋楦开发设计师与技术精良的技师。我们以“优良的品质、合理的价格、一流的服务”为宗旨,赢得广大客户的大力支持与厚爱,诚挚地欢迎广大客户与我们建立长久友好合作。欢迎致电:18923163961 黄先生 咨询!

Dongguan Lianxiang shoe factory created in 2005, the company is located in China Shoes Capital Guangdong Houjie town of Dongguan City, is a professional engaged in the production of last for shaping a shoe is the scale of the enterprise. Company sales comfortable standard shoe last hindquarter, densely shoes, sandals and boots of shoe last the whole, with Gao Cong 5mm, 10mm, 15mm, 20mm until 100mm, shoe enterprises to develop other new shoe when as long as used according to corresponding with high hindquarter change hairstyle can be, the whole price concessions. Company to introduce international advanced computer numerical control complete equipment for making shoe last and professional 3D shoe last system production, and has a group of senior last for shaping a shoe designer and skilled technicians. We have "excellent quality, reasonable price, first-class service" for the purpose, to win the majority of customers support and love, sincerely welcome customers to establish long-term friendly cooperation with us. Welcome to call: 18923163961 consulting!

主营产品/服务: 鞋楦 , 鞋楦厂 , 楦头 , 标准鞋楦
主营行业: 其他,鞋
企业类型: 企业会员
法定代表人: 黄先生
公司成立年限: 21年
员工人数: 50
公司网站: http://www.lxlast.cn
技术支持: 美中鞋业网 (管理登陆) 备案号:
版权所有: (C) 广州市白云区鞋业皮具商会 2007-2025 商会会址:云城西路228号228创意园F栋302
商会网址: http://www.gbdsia.com.cn 商会邮箱: gbdsia@163.com
传真: 086-020-36088088 办公室电话: 086-020-36088088


