
1. 无钉作业之一-"中底固定钉“源于制鞋王国西班牙,已有十多年历史,在欧美鞋业生产过程中已经广泛应用。
3.根据目前使用该产品的广大客户反映,使用 “中底固定机”,即能达到无钉作业的要求, 节约成本,配合“中底固定机”使用,又能 提高高生产效率,减少人工劳动力,无谓创新实用新型专利产品的称号。
1.No nall work--insole Attachment Originates form The shomaking areas of ltaly and Spain 
  and has been used for more than ten years in many pares of the world.
2. We proudly presents form The revolutionary produvt that attaches your insoles to you last 
   without the use of nails. With a sound backgroud in the shoemaking industry we have used    our experience and rechnical ability to produce this multifional“Insole Attachment   machine” this machine never needs to have its moulds changed thus saving time and money   lt Can  attach the insole to the last without any tacks or nails being used thus conforming with Tack and Staple Free(Manufacturing policies  throughout the world) The V model localizer and muitifunctional oresser has been issed with a new type of Patent.
3. And having spoken to many our valued  customers using this machine the      following comments haye been made They comply with Manufacturing Pilicies held throughout  the word They save time and money They save time and money They improve efficency And 
 They help the wprk force to produce consistent And well positioned insoles.
技术支持: 美中鞋业网 (管理登陆) 备案号:
版权所有: (C) 广州市白云区鞋业皮具商会 2007-2025 商会会址:云城西路228号228创意园F栋302
商会网址: http://www.gbdsia.com.cn 商会邮箱: gbdsia@163.com
传真: 086-020-36088088 办公室电话: 086-020-36088088


