自动倾斜划线机 SK-309A-L(开左) SK-309A-R(开右)

1. 腁覆肚参多功能的购絬诀,能克服礶絬死角,购絬角度,购絬人不必狥歪西看。
2. 渡斜弧度,可使鞋ず腰及薄底鞋絫清楚耚到购絬人正面。
3. 莱付不同鞋底,渡斜弧度可繦意控制。
4. 莱付不同鞋底,自笆平衡溃膘、溃力、速度可控制。
5. 莱付不同鞋底,有後跌描。
6. 竲踏板可高低渡斜秸整。
7. 砞有管可使用掸蕊不必传掸管。
8. 砞有掸筒方便取掸。
1. Subversive multi-functional scribing machine can cover the dead space for scribing and work
   at all angles so that it is not necessary for the worker to make alignment carefully.
2. Inclining arc may enable the shoe inside and low sole shoe edge to be clearly presented in 
  front of the worker.
3. For different shoe soles, inclining arc may be optionally controlled.
4. For different shoe soles, automatic balancing pressure bar, pressure and speed can be regulated.
5. For different shoe soles, back mirrors are equipped.
6. The height of foot plate may be adjusted by tilting.
7. Air pipe is equipped so that refills are used while barrels are not needed to be changed.
8. Pen container is equipped for the convenience of taking pens.

技术支持: 美中鞋业网 (管理登陆) 备案号:
版权所有: (C) 广州市白云区鞋业皮具商会 2007-2025 商会会址:云城西路228号228创意园F栋302
商会网址: http://www.gbdsia.com.cn 商会邮箱: gbdsia@163.com
传真: 086-020-36088088 办公室电话: 086-020-36088088


